Veneers are most often applied over the front-most teeth to correct stained, cracked, chipped, or crooked teeth. Smaller, more localized problems may be treatable using dental bonding procedures. Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resins. Composite resins are applied directly to the teeth, and then shaped appropriately. Porcelain veneers are thin hard shells that must be constructed in a lab before being bonded over the teeth. Composite veneers are typically less expensive than their porcelain counter-parts, but they have a slightly shorter life span. Composite resin restorations last between five and seven years, whereas porcelain veneers typically last well over 15 years. Unlike bonding procedures used for small problems, most veneers require a tooth reduction prior to placement. This means that the thickness of your teeth must be slightly reduced to provide enough room for the veneer. Lumineer VeneersDr. Ashpole offers Lumineer porcelain veneers, a new variety of veneers that require less or no tooth reduction. Lumineer veneers are made from Cerinate® porcelain, which is stronger than regular porcelain and can maintain durability and strength even with minimal thickness. Veneer Procedures
Elise Ashpole, D.M.D. |